Executive Strategies Group serves executives, business owners, professionals and highly compensated individuals who share the desire to reduce their personal tax liability.

    Executive Strategies Group provides state of the art Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans that allow one to defer an an unlimited amount of compensation on a pre-tax basis -- and defer payment of taxes on this amount -- each year per Section 409A of the code.

   Executive Strategies Group focuses on Executive Level Benefit Plans that enable you to recruit, reward and retain executive & professional level talent in the business and professional world.

   Nearly 91% of all Fortune 1000 companies provide a non-qualified plan to their key employees.  Our basic business premise is to allow Small Business America to use the same vehicle for saving taxes that is used by corporate America.

   The ability to shield income and wealth from taxes is a shared goal among those blessed to be high income earners.

   The ability to maximize one's income from one's retirement plan contributions -- and do so with the least amount of market risk -- is a shared goal.

   Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC) plans under Section 409A of the IRS Code allow one to contribute an unlimited amount of income to the plan each year on a pre-tax basis.  

    NQDC plans operate like a 401k plan but have no contribution limits and require strict compliance with the Enrollment, Funding and Distribution Rules of Section 409A.

    Executive Strategies Group works with one of the nation's premier companies on recordkeeping and administrative services for non-qualified plans .... so your executives, professionals and key employees have online access 24/7 to daily monitor the values of their deferred compensation plan, make enrollment decisions that comply with Section 409A,  make funding decisions and take distributions from any location in the world.

    NQDC plans are an executive benefit for those who wish to defer compensation -- and most importantly defer taxes to a date they decide at the time of plan enrollment.  The Required Minimum Distributions that apply to qualified plans at age 701/2 do not apply to NQDC plans.  

    Executive Strategies Group also provides the following:

  • Executive Bonus Plans under Section 162 for tax planning with after-tax monies including plans where the company pays a 'double bonus' to pay taxes due on the initial bonus.

  • Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPS) for the company that wishes to fully fund a retirement benefit for an executive, professional and/or key employee. 

  • Traditional 401k and Safe Harbor 401k Plans to enable individuals to take advantage of every opportunity to pre-tax savings.

  • Profit Sharing Plans to maximize the contributions limits of $53,0000 and the catch-up ability for those over 50 years of age, and

  • Buy-Sell Agreements for the business owner who wishes to sell his business in the most tax-efficient manner possible, and

  • Estate Planning Services.